Friday 11 March 2011

Why study, know one will know what your mark is, only that you passed

So, why study when no one will ever know what your mark is only that you passed.  It speaks to the old joke "what do they call the person who graduated bottom of the class in medical school?  Doctor."
So at 55 I'm taking on a new career and worried that my brain has been coated with a thin layer of Teflon.  Will the information stick? Will I be able to recall it in a three hour exam?  Do I really need to find X?
Turns out yes to all of those.  When learning within the context of "I can make a difference for people.  I can alter their experience of real estate and I will be responsible for and take care of their needs."  it fundamentally alters the integration of information.  Learning moves to forefront of the commitment I say I stand for. 

1 comment:

  1. Exercising your brain, like any other part of your body, makes it stronger. By forcing yourself out of your comfort zone and learning a new skill set, you not only have additional mental acuity, but also increase your confidence. It's cumulative. Good for you!!!!
