Thursday 20 October 2011

Coldwater Witches Walk

Wednesday Oct 26, 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Join us for a night of Warts & Wicked Women.
The towns women come out for a night of great fun & shopping in full costume.  Really!
Stores host games, discounts, snacks and photo shoots

Saturday 17 September 2011

Why Won't it Sell?

Worried about why your cottage or home just won't sell?

Trying to sell your cottage or home and it just won't sell. 
by: Christine Tonus

I'd like to be gentle, but it's the kind agent that leaves you in the dark and still wondering why your cottage or home just won't sell.  In fact the viewings have slowed down to a trickle.
You could blame your agent and you might be right - but the harsh reality is...
It's probably over priced!   I know, I know, it's not what you wanted to hear, but let's take a look at the stats.
Price it under market value by 2% = 95% sold within 3 weeks
Price it just over market value by 5% = 8.33% sold in 12 weeks or less

That's HUGE. 
Now the assumption might be that agents just want a quick sale and yes that would be true, but the reality is we don't want to leave money on the table for either of us.  The buyers almost always control the market - they are smarter and better informed than ever and they just won't over pay.  Really, would you? 
Is that it?  Is it all about price.  No, but that usually a good start, now add in a great agent, marketing strategy, robust website and a well staged home or cottage and you've got a winning combination.

Next Blog - Can I lower the price later?